Programs of Distinction
The Programs of Distinction at Benedictine College are comprised of high-achieving scholars seeking greatness in their fields and beyond. Each program has a specific focus, but the same universal purpose: to provide additional academic avenues of growth and formation to exceptional students.
Presidential Scholars
Each year we offer 15 special scholarships to our Presidential Scholars and Dean’s Scholars. About Presidential Scholars
The Honors Program
Our Honors curriculum offers a unique educational experience to qualifying students. About the Honors Program
The Gregorian Fellows Leadership Program
This program uses enduring principles of leadership to give students skills for today’s world. About the Gregorian Fellows
The Dr. Wangari Maathai STEM Fellows
The STEM Fellows program provides unique opportunities for the professional development of talented students majoring in STEM fields. About the STEM Fellows
The Constitutional Fellows
This program is offered through the Center for Constitutional Liberty. The Center’s mission is to renew and advance understanding of the founding principles of the United States of America so that our nation’s unique experiment in self-government will inspire, inform and direct new generations of Americans. About the Constitutional Fellows
The Angelico Fellows
Sponsored by the Center for Beauty and Culture, Angelico Fellows learn to renew and advance the Catholic understanding of Beauty as the inspirational power of the Truth, and culture as the bearer of that Truth to others. Named for the priest-painter Blessed Fra Angelico, fellows are given the tools to become leaders in the Catholic renewal of the arts and civilization. About the Angelico Fellows
The Freedom Fellows
This program serves first-generation college students. The program will allow students to develop skills revolving around selflessness, community relations, self-agency, the importance of education, practical decision making, and choosing love over hate. About the Freedom Fellows
The Ex Corde Media Fellows
The Ex Corde Center for Catholic Media creates media content to promote positive messages of faith, hope, and love while providing students with the tools, experiences, and contacts they need to enter the 21st century media world as effective communicators. About the Media Fellows
The John Paul II Fellows
John Paul II Fellows, sponsored by the Center for Family Life, accompany wounded families, restore healthy relationships, and serve as ambassadors for the fundamental building block of society, believing with St. John Paul II that “the future of civilization passes by way of the family.” About the John Paul II Fellows